Neymar shares about his brother Lionel Messi

Neymar discussed his brother Lionel Messi and revealed the following information about him during an interview with CazéTV. The conversation that I had with him immediately before the championship game of the World Cup was one of the most fascinating I’ve ever had.

At that same moment, I had a conversation with Leo in which I told him, “Now that you’ve made it to the match, do everything in your power to win that goddamn World Cup.

” I wasn’t able to make it to the final round, but seeing as how you did, I wish the best of luck to you in winning the competition. It won’t be possible for you to call it a day and move on with the rest of your day until you actually have the golden cup in your possession.

In point of fact, I was quite pleased when Leo won the global Cup, and I believe that every football fan across the globe is experiencing the same amount of delight as a direct result of Leo’s accomplishment because it is directly related to the success of Leo.

During another talk, CazeTV presented an extremely humorous subject matter in the following manner: Have you given any consideration to what you would call your child if it turns out that you are going to be the parents of a boy when the baby is born?

The hosts and guests of CazeTV laughed in response to the question as it was being asked.Neymar, you might want to think about changing your name to Messi… or maybe you’d want to be known as Lionel, which is another great name to have.