Behind the luxury inlaid with gold, are 9 “unlike dreams” facts about Dubai paradise

Here are the 10 biggest myths that people still often get wrong about the oil nation of Dubai.

1. Dubai is the “capital” of billionaires

You often see Dubai giants bragging about their wealth, so you think this country must be the “billionaire capital of the world”? However, reality is not what you think. There are more than 5,000 billionaires worldwide, but only about 20 of them are from Dubai. In fact, the capital Beijing (China) is home to the world’s largest number of billionaires, followed by New York City in the United States.

Behind the luxury inlaid with gold, are 9 truths

2. Dubai has no poverty

According to the census, Despite having the most luxurious living standards in the world, there are still many poor people in Dubai. The average salary of a worker falls in the range of 200 to 350 dollars while the cheapest phone plan here has taken up more than 30 dollars. It is because of the expensive life that many people are forced to go to the slums to make a temporary living.

A slum in Dubai.
A slum in Dubai.

3. Dubai is the perfect place to raise kids

The sad thing is that many parents in Dubai often send their children to other neighboring areas to study because the tuition fees here are too expensive. On average, each child will cost the family more than 100,000 dollars over 11 years of school, not to mention the huge expenses for college, leaving parents scratching their heads and thinking. In addition, the harsh weather here also makes children have to “root” all day in cool air-conditioned rooms, restricting movement. In spring and summer, the average temperature is as high as 48 degrees Celsius, but the weather is extremely dry and uncomfortable. In addition, the sky here is often gray because it is densely packed with dust. It seems that Dubai is not a paradise as many people think.

4. No alcohol in Dubai

Behind the luxury inlaid with gold, are 9 truths

Although the Dubai government has put in place a lot of laws to control the use of alcohol by residents, that doesn’t mean you can’t use them here. Alcoholic beverages are still offered to tourists and non-Muslims at bars, clubs, restaurants, hotels, etc. However, to buy them, you need identification or a tourist visa.

5. There is no unemployment in Dubai

Unemployment is rampant all over the world, and Dubai is no exception. Currently, this country is having policies to improve jobs for people by opening free vocational training classes at universities. However, underground labor is also quite common in the oil country. Many migrant workers who came here were sent home within 30 days because they could not present their visas.

6. Police in Dubai only use luxury cars to patrol

Behind the luxury inlaid with gold, are 9 truths

7. Everything in Dubai is modern

It can be said that science and technology are present everywhere in Dubai, from the air conditioner at the bus station, the ATM that releases gold, the robot police station to the metro railway… all of which exude a luxurious and genuine look. However, did you know that in many major cities in Dubai, underground sewer systems are still not installed?

8. Leopards and lions are kept as pets

Behind the luxury inlaid with gold, are 9 truths

Many Dubai tycoons boast images of jaguars and lions – wild and equally dangerous animals – kept in their homes as pets. This has raised a big misunderstanding that all Dubai giants like to caress “Death”. It is true that people still keep wild animals in their homes, but this is considered illegal. If you are caught “walking” a jaguar or lion on the streets of Dubai, you will be imprisoned for up to six months and fined between $2,700 and $138,000. 

9. Emiratis just love to live in skyscrapers

Behind the luxury inlaid with gold, are 9 truths

There is a rather strange paradox, that the more skyscrapers, villas, and bustling houses are built, the more Dubai people prefer to live in quiet places, even without neighbors around. The disparity between rich and poor has arisen many conflicts in the heart of Dubai and made many people just want to avoid the hustle and bustle of society.

So you see, the frivolous things you know about this oil country are only a very small aspect of Dubai. Behind the gilded metropolis are hidden corners that no one knows about.