Topping the Legatum Institute (UK) Prosperity Index this year are New Zealand, Norway, Finland, and Switzerland.

The Legatum Institute (London, UK) has just released its 10th annual Prosperity Index report. This organization surveyed 149 countries around the world, comparing them based on 104 criteria to rank. They don’t just look at traditional metrics like GDP per capita, and the number of people with jobs, but also the number of secure internet servers in the country do people feel that taking a break each day is enough now? Are not.

Then, these criteria will be classified into 9 large groups, including Economic Quality, Business Environment, Governance, Education, Health, Security – Safety, Personal Freedom, Social Relations, and Natural Environment.

Here is a list of the 10 wealthiest, happiest, healthiest, and most advanced countries in the world, according to this survey.

1. New Zealand

New Zealand ranks first in both Social Relations and Economic Quality and second in Business Environment and Governance.

2. Norway

Norway has been ranked as the world’s wealthiest country for seven consecutive years, according to the Legatum Institute. This year, however, they fell to second place. The country ranks 3rd in the Governance criterion.

3. Finland

Finland is one of the most prosperous countries in Northern Europe. They also have the best governance in the world, according to the Legatum Institute.

4. Switzerland

Switzerland regularly tops this list, thanks to its excellent Education (1st place) and highly rated Health (3rd).

5. Canada

They have a higher wealth index than many of their neighbors – the US, according to the Legatum Institute. Canada ranks 3rd for Social Relations and Business Environment, and 2nd for Personal Freedom.

6. Australia

The country is famous for its favorable weather and laid-back lifestyle. So it’s no surprise that they came in 2nd in the Social Relations group.

7. Netherlands

The Netherlands ranked 2nd in Education and Economic Quality, and the top 5 in two other criteria groups.

8. Sweden

The Scandinavian country ranks 3rd in Economic Quality, and 5th in Governance, but has dropped in overall ranking from last year (5th).

9. Denmark

The country has long been known for its high standard of living. They are rated highest with Security – Safety, ranked 5th.

10. English

Although the people of this country voted to leave the European Union (EU), the UK still jumped in the Prosperity Index this year, from 15 to 10. The country’s highest-rated criterion is the Business Environment. , ranked 5th.