Capturing family happiness: 13 sweet photos of LeBron James and his loved ones

LeBron James passed NBA great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on February 8 to become the league’s all-time scoring leader. It wasn’t easy for the Lakers to get to 38,388 points at home in front of their fans. The King liked it even more because he did it in front of his family.

“Of course, I had a time when it happened, when I was with my family, my friends, and other people who have been with me since I started this journey, even before I joined the NBA. “That was a very emotional moment for me,” he said in a press meeting after the game. “It’s a really cool feeling to be out there on the floor with my wife, my kids, and my mom.”

When the press asked him what it meant to do something like that in front of his kids, who are also rising basketball stars, James gushed about what a blessing it has been to be their dad.

“When it comes to being a dad, it’s not about basketball for me. “Every day, you have to set an example and be a role model,” he said. “It goes on 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Basketball has given me a lot, taken me all over the world, and given a lot of people ideas. But for me, being a dad is much more exciting and purposeful than playing a game. I try to set a good example for them by how I treat their mother on a daily basis, as well as how I treat their aunts, their little sister, and other people.

He went on, “I hope I can just teach them life skills so that when they get out into the real world, they’ll be able to take care of themselves like guys, which they’ve been able to do so far in their young lives. Basketball is just something extra.”

The NBA star is very serious about basketball, but nothing is more important to him than being a good father, husband, and son to his mother Gloria and his in-laws.

Check out some cool pictures of James, who is the top scorer in the NBA.