Admire the stunning $11 million mansion where NBA legend Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union are married

In the fall of 2014, the happy news of Dwyane Wade’s marriage to Gabrielle Union spread like wildfire across the internet, as details about the Saturday evening event began to trickle out, which reportedly included opera glasses, live chickens, descending wooden planks of food, five wardrobe changes, and a castle surrounded by a moat in the redlands.

The wedding was also said to have taken place in a castle in the Redlands Redwoods. The happy news was spread at the same time that more details about the event began to emerge. The wedding took place in a castle in California’s Redlands region.

The unusual Chateau Artisan was chosen as the venue for the wedding, which took place in the same spot where the architect Charles Sieger had built his own home. Both the ceremony and reception were held in the same building. Despite the fact that the property has an expansive landlocked moat, a gatehouse, and unusual formal gardens, Sieger has been unable to sell it since 2012.

It was initially listed for $13 million, but the price was later reduced to $10.9 million before being removed from the market in early August, more than a month before the wedding. It was initially advertised for $13 million. This was most likely done to prevent the paparazzi from searching the entire site using the mentioned images as a point of reference, and it was done to achieve this goal.