Dubai’s “crazy” wealth has reached the pinnacle of humanity

This series of photos will show you how rich and “excessive” Dubai is. It’s unbelievable to be overwhelmed by Dubai.

The table tennis table is inlaid with gold from the table frame, the hand to the player.

The bigger and longer the jewelry, the more beautiful it is.

The tennis court is made under the sea to avoid the bright sunlight.

Dinner costs 387,988 dirhams (2.3 billion dong)

The latest sports car models are first encountered on the streets of Dubai.

Raising wild animals is a hobby of the rich in Dubai.

Hundreds of flowers are grown in a very unique way.

Gold dispensers are available 24/7.

The most luxurious coffee shop in the world, everything you hold is gilded.

Supercar running on the road.

The tallest building was chosen as the fireworks platform.

The street is planned to 5 lanes to avoid traffic jams.