Glamping Retreats to Tree House Stays are available at the Rain Forest Hotel

From glamping under conifers to sleeping in a tree hut, these rain forest hotels highlight our planet’s green lungs.

The sounds, sensations, and sheer scale of these biodiverse environments are a wonderful reminder of nature’s splendor. Unless you’re traveling with your own camping gear (and some strong survival skills), staying in a well-appointed lodge is the best option for a worry-free wilderness escape. Many eco hotels in rain forests, fortunately, promote ethical tourism by doing everything from halting deforestation by purchasing large tracts of forest to sponsoring wildlife conservation efforts. These are some of the best rain forest accommodations as more visitors seek new ways to connect with nature.

In Canada, see an old-growth rainforest

In the Peruvian Amazon, there is a tree house

Panamanian private island

Down Under Rainforest

The Belizean home of a Hollywood director

Ecuador’s cloud forest