Tom Brady share about his wonderful time with his daughter on a fantastic trip to Africa

What an incredible trip to the most amazing continent…Africa 🖤🖤🖤. It was another special reminder that life is TRULY about relationships and memories…To wake up to sunrises and untouched parts of our beautiful planet, to witness these animals in all their glory, to see how different people can live with true joy and happiness continues to bring me great lessons in learning. Anyone who knows me knows I love quotes….I have two in my mind that I want to begin this next chapter with. They are profoundly meaningful to me and maybe you will like them as well! “The life you lead, is the lesson you teach”“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I?” I’ve had them in my mind for some time, and I will continue to bring them with me on this journey of life. Thank you all for your love and support these first 45 years….I am taking these next days one at a time, focusing on being my best self for me, and others, and living a life of integrity and purpose.