Confusing ways to spend money only in the super rich

A billionaire hires someone with his credit card to go to Europe to spend lavishly to hide the fact that he went to Mexico with his girlfriend, another rich woman hires a private jet to carry a dog.

Before the question: ” Once serving the super-rich, how do you see them spending their money?” , some people who have experience working in billionaires’ homes reveal many strange patterns of spending money that are difficult for the average person to imagine.

Private jet for dogs

The giant’s pets get to travel in a lavish style just like their owners. The dog of a super-rich woman flew to the training ground on its own.

“ A woman who owns a private jet business told me once that a client paid them $45,000 just to take her dog to New York for training. The flight did not have any other passengers,” an unnamed person revealed.

Toilets 100,000 USD

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“I know someone in the super-rich who builds a toilet worth $100,000. It’s not clear if the toilet’s toilet bowl is actually made of gold, but for that money you can totally hope hope like that”. The above revelation makes many people wonder: Do gold toilets make them feel more comfortable, why do people spend so much money on a toilet?

Cat’s private bathroom

A pet sitter for the wealthy recalls serving super-rich owners and being asked to take care of their cats: “There were a lot of televisions in the house. Almost every room has one. But the strangest thing is that in the cat’s bathroom there is also a television. This TV only shows cartoons about cats . There’s even a fancy litter box in the bathroom and a picture of cats.”

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Yachts are only for carrying things

When becoming super-rich, a yacht is of course not enough, because every time they go on a trip, they have to deploy helicopters and jet skis.

A person who lives near the yacht parking lot said he once saw a strange yacht and was explained that it was a “dark yacht”. When they become super rich and have a lot of yachts, many people don’t want their beautiful yacht to become unsightly when carrying jet skis or helicopters. They also don’t want sailors to share a bed on a yacht. So they bought an additional “dark yacht” just to carry those “toys” and make a place for the sailors.

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This “dark yacht” will follow the giant’s beautiful yacht fleet.

Silk carpet

One person who used to work at a plane repair company for the super-rich shared: “For me, one of the most delicate features of airplanes is not that everything is gilded or the wood grain. rare, but a silk carpet. That thing costs more than $1,000 per square foot (about 0.1 m²). The feeling of walking on those rugs is like walking on a feather bed.”


Shoot cannons for fun

A man who caters to the super-rich recounts that he once worked in the house of an eccentric uncle-looking tycoon: “ He had a guest villa, separate from his own, to use in case the grandchildren come to play. There is no indoor swimming pool like other rich people, just a separate building. But he bought a cannon and put it there, using it to shoot the mountain behind his house. He used brand new special bowling balls as ammunition, they cost $100 each.”

Forgetting the supercar is like forgetting the hat

One driving instructor recalls, once, a group of wealthy people rented a racetrack to drive their supercars. At the end of the day, everyone parted and got into the car, everyone went home. After the group of wealthy guests left, the staff there discovered they forgot the Lamborghini Aventador costing more than 300,000 USD on the track.

It seems that a hundred thousand dollar supercar is just a chore to them.

Hanging Picasso paintings above the toilet

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An art student who used to garden for his super-rich boss recalls that his landlord was eager to show him his art collection when he discovered he was studying paintings.

The student said: “ I remember standing in the bathroom with my dirty garden clothes, I saw a Picasso painting hanging … above the toilet.”

Build a house to smell cows

The smell of cows is very familiar to rural people, unexpectedly becoming something extremely strange and interesting for a giant.

An architect shared, when he built a house for this giant, he expressed his desire to build a bedroom right above the cowshed, opening a door on the floor so that he could fall asleep when he heard the sound and smell the cows.

Husband and wife each have an elevator

One person shared that he once built a house for a super-rich couple who hated each other and didn’t want a divorce. The couple requested a separate elevator so that each person could walk around the house without having to see each other.

Hire someone to spend money to comfortably cheat

There is a man who was once hired by a giant to do only one job: Spending money. The hire must take the credit card of the giant and then go out in Europe, spend lavishly, fabricate an alibi so that he goes to Mexico with his mistress at the same time.

That giant is going to divorce court. He did not want to reveal any evidence of his adultery as it would affect the proceedings.