Earning $45,000,000 a Year as Chiefs QB, Patrick Mahomes Recalls His Failed Attempt at Playing Linebacker When He Was 10 Years Old


The staggering sum of $45,000,000 a year is what Patrick Mahomes, the star quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs, receives at this time. Recently, he divulged some fascinating information on his younger years. Mahomes is currently the top quarterback in the NFL, if not the best quarterback overall. However, when Mahomes was just ten years old, he tried his hand at playing linebacker for a little while.

In a recent conversation that he had with Chris Simms, Patrick disclosed the fact that, during the auditions for the Pop Warner Football Team that he had participated in, he was unexpectedly transferred to the linebacker position. This new information offers light on the path that Mahomes followed to become the renowned quarterback that we know today. In spite of the fact that he played linebacker for a short time, he gradually drifted toward other sports like baseball and basketball before discovering that football was his true calling.

From Linebacker to Quarterback: The Career of Patrick Mahomes

Even Patrick Mahomes struggled with skepticism regarding his future in football when he was younger. Chris Simms said the following to Patrick Mahomes during an interview that aired on NFL on NBC: “So I want to have some fun with you here a little bit if you don’t mind. One, I want to play catch with you since doing so would be comparable for me to a dream coming true. Okay, you two, if it’s all OK with you, I’d like to talk about the early years of Patrick Mahomes’s career. “Okay, 10-year-old Mahomes, in what sport did you envision yourself competing at the highest level?”

Mahomes reflected on a time in his boyhood when he gave football a go for the first time when he was 10 years old. His response was,

“Oh! The entire day consisted of baseball games. It’s a funny story, but if it wasn’t baseball, it was probably basketball. I tried out for the football team at Pop Warner, but they switched me to linebacker and I got juked on the first padded session, so I quit the squad the next day. “I really tried out for the football team at Pop Warner, but they changed me to linebacker.

Mahomes appeared to have an interest in basketball and baseball earlier in the day, judging by the indicators that were present. He made it abundantly apparent that football was not his sport of choice.Mahomes also recalled a fascinating occurrence that occurred when he was competing against the boys he had played with in high school. “I never was a football guy,” Mahomes recounted, “and actually I remember the guys that I played.” I got the last laugh and I got my revenge on them since I beat them when we were in high school and they were talking trash about me.It would appear that Mahomes has always possessed the competitive drive and winning mentality that he has, on occasion, demonstrated in his play in the National Football League (NFL).

Who was Mahomes’ all-time favorite player on the basketball court?

Patrick Mahomes, the standout quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs, used to play a sport that was much different from what he does now when he was younger. During an interview with Chris Simms, Mahomes stated that when it came to basketball, he preferred to be a fan of Carmelo Anthony over LeBron James. Mahomes made this statement in reference to a comparison between the two athletes. Mahomes elaborated as follows:

“At that point in time, I was a huge fan of Carmelo Anthony. I was thinking, thinking, thinking about moving in the opposite direction. You had LeBron, everybody was a fan of LeBron’s, and I love LeBron, but at the same time, I wanted to type of have that guy, and it was Denver Nuggets, him shooting the Mellow, the three sign on the side of the head, he goes to the Knicks, and so I was a big Carmelo fan growing up.”

During his conversations with Simms, the quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs was as open and forthright as it is possible for him to be. This is perhaps the quality that endears him to fans more than any other football player in the game right now.